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Our research

Explore and be inspired by the research conducted by the teachers who have graduated from, or are participating in, our Postgraduate Certificate in Teachers Research and Practice. 

After attending our residential programme many teachers are inspired to move on to a Postgraduate Certificate in Teachers Research and Practice at the University of Leeds. Their research often starts with questions, ideas of themes that arose at the residential, and develops into a research project delivered in their own schools/workplaces.

The findings of our teachers speak to many concerns shared by teachers across the UK, and globally. We are proud to share where those initial thoughts at our residential programme have taken them.

So what are my lessons learnt? Initially, the qualification can be quite scary. And I still wonder how I managed to accommodate it. But I want other art teachers to know that you can make the time and you can fit it into your schedule. PPP doesn’t have the same academic pressures and barriers you experience in other courses. It felt more like CPD Christmas, sitting there, receiving and sharing gifts of knowledge. The whole programme is joyful.

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To me, the PgCert represented a step forward in my professional and personal journey – Somewhere within the hustle and bustle of daily life I had forgotten how much I enjoyed research and learning. Walking around the University of Leeds campus on the first Saturday seminar session, toward the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies was a joyous experience. I felt very privileged to have this opportunity at this stage of my life – just being on campus made me feel clever!

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People sitting in a gallery space looking at an installation

My second assignment became a big project that underpins what we do in the Art department and has influence across the whole school. It has really invigorated me. I’m excited about my work again. I’m excited about being in the classroom. It has definitely made me braver. I now feel more confident about taking a risk, working with the wildcards and voicing my opinions. I know that I can do things my way and prove it works.

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